Got to have a formula

But first, a reality check

Every day waking up ‘smack’ in the middle of the past – the default human condition.  A reset button remarkably kicks-in overnight – our very own ‘groundhog day’ – irrespective of intention.  Believing otherwise is loony-tunes, fluttering with fairies – if in doubt notice what you wake up to in the morning?

Layering-in more complexity, our thinking is riddled with error, impregnated with falsehood, time and time again.  Like bugs or malicious software causing miss-firing in our fixated view.  Thanks to this skewed programming – it is impossible to think way out of dilemma – like fish trying to see water, or birds, the air under flying-wing Our private malware deeply embedded in our thought ‘system’ – crudely and deceptively placed there, encrypted, foreign and new

So, automatically opening our eyes from a deep slumber, fully dipped in a reality, from the past

Thought processes available to work-with are unconsciously biased, even flawed; slanting toward pulling-the-wool-over-my-eyes; distorting the truth – topping it all off, “I’m” basically delusional – by ‘hoping’ somehow, this might all mysteriously change or miraculously improve or disappear?  Situation made far, far worse, by ‘my’ not even being aware

Living a free, fulfilling, authentic life – are you serious?   You’ve gotta be kidding

Generously, what will be granted, is doing the best you can.   But this entirely misses the point

Taking a closer look – stuck as mindful ego-concept; no better than “1”.  One.  One.  One

Remember your math? – anything to the power of “1” stays the same

Change versus transformation – the French proverb providing profound insight – “Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose – the more things change the more they stay the same” – working hard, ending-up producing no better than a bigger version of “1”.  Again and again, over and over, same ‘ol same ‘ol

Change is highly effective for skill and competency development, improving efficiency and routine, but is totally useless for living a joyous fulfilling life, in and of itself – as ‘change’ does not affect reality on a deeper level, other than to cement the status quo.  Put there by a small, frightened five-year-old – sweet little ol’ you.  Now, stuck….  and, probably don’t even know it.  Suffering…. yes, you can get that…. but, no way out, doesn’t matter what you try

There is another way

Designing, playing, winning – the game of life

1. First of all, wake up – for goodness sake – nothing happens without this.  You don’t have to be “1” –  anything is possible
2. Living inside your head is ‘dead person walking’ – echo’s of interventions past.  Keeps you ruminating, going round and round, ploughing same old ground
3. Responsibly creating reality (as opposed to being a reaction-to) is a result of awareness; thereby generating a keen sense of knowing – like the homing instinct in pigeons or migration pattern of whales – they just ‘know’ how to get there
4. Starting with getting the ‘past’ out of the way – akin to removing a log in a river or splinter in the eye.  Then powerfully creating a new – Context – free from the constraints of the past – a life based on being independently responsible; built on a foundation of integrity and ‘pulling my weight’ – no excuses – the buck stops with me – every time, always

Rich reward

Mundamutti Mastery is a function of living a purposefully designed life

Daily training in ‘Completing the past’ and ‘Creating the future’ –  dealing effectively with the overnight reset-button –  else, inevitable default position is stupefying slumber – ‘numb’ asleep; to joy and excitement of really living –  stuck in the past; supposedly safe and cozy (not really, if telling the truth), boring (be sure of this) –  and, did warn you –  full-of, and comprised entirely of, ‘dead person walking’

And, you wonder why suffering and not happy?    < Sigh  >

Surely, time to smell the roses

What, are you waiting for?